Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year! (and contest results)

And this is the correct solution of the contest...
And we have a winner (Mary) with the one and only correct answer and a runner up (Julia) who came very close suggesting it was a lamp. No fellow bloggers, but both members of the HGTV craft boards. HGTV is one of my favourite communities. If you are looking for a very lively board to chat about craft or decoration I highly recommend it.

Congratulations to both! Julia, the pouch is on its way to you. Mary chose a lovely necklace from my shop which you can see at the bottom of this old post.

I never thought it would be so difficult. Of course, with the actual candle holders broken off the antlers it wasn’t easy to see and I only figured out what could have been stuck in the empty spaces when I found some wax drops on the head.

To share a bit of the fun with you here are the other guesses.

Is it some sort of a lighter, you squeeze it and a flame comes out?
Okay, does its nose light up like Rudolph?
Is it a Christmas Cookie Jar?
A tree topper?
Hmm... so maybe it's either part of a puppet, or is a tree topper? (Hopefully it's not a toilet paper cozy... :)
Was it originally part of a calliope/merry-go-round reindeer?
Antlers would make a nice plate holder.
A Lamp Shade.
I'm guessing it's original use was a 'mask'.
Do his antlers hold something-- I was thinking either a Christmas card or a book of some sort-- like a Christmas recipe book or a Bible? Or is he a wine bottle holder?
I think that the deer head is part of one of those animated wall 'trophy' items that are battery operated and sometimes motion-sensored.
Hmmmmm....did that reindeer head hold a decanter of some sort?

I thought the lighter was actually plausible. I've seen large table lighters in the most ridiculous disguises. Funny the tree topper came up twice. I've no idea how it could be attached... A toilet paper cozy? Thank god, no. I've never seen one in my life. In fact when I read about TP-cozies on HGTV I had no clue what they were talking about. I had to Google it! A trophy... you mean like that fish with a flapping tail on a plank?

Thanks for the fun everybody!

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