Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Hand And The Doll

To stay a little bit with last post's theme I want to show some more display stuff my neighbours threw out.
Here's the hand again that came with the shop window doll's legs.

Here it is in the layer of black paint I gave it. If you look carefully you can also see it on my market table (second picture). It really works to draw attention to my crocheted bracelets and helps folks to immediately understand what the bands buttoned around the cardboard cylinders are for.

Now I'm still dreaming of a complete adult lady model, but I'm quite happy with this little girl. Actually I was pretty amazed when we found her and only a block away! Some neighbours I have.

It's a pity her hands are missing but I can live with that. She looks a bit funny in her oversized shirt, but I hope to use her soon to show my first crocheted little girl's clothing.

In the meantime she's perfect to show my tiny beanies. The truth is some just turned out too small for an adult by accident, but at the markets I found out that children often look at them so now I started a complete series in kid's sizes on purpose.


Unknown said...

Cool finds. You must have interesting neighbors! ;)

Doris Sturm said...

Great Finds! And that hand should come in especially "handy" around Halloween ;-)

Doris Sturm said...

...yeah, like the Munsters?

Down Comforter said...

Lucky Girl to find such fun things that you can use. Love the hat, it does fit your model perfectly!

Vacuum Cleaners

Having the recycle center in the neighbourhood brings trash picking to a new dimension for me. Where before I looked for saleables, or stuf...