Saturday, December 19, 2009

The HGTV Gift Exchange And My Easy Chair

I love the HGTV Knitting and Crocheting board’s holiday gift swap. The only rule to this exchange is that we create something with love for our swap buddies. Items are sent out directly to them so there are no extra costs involved and it’s up to you to decide how large your parcel will be.

This year I received the cutest pillow crocheted by Rachel, the host of the exchange. It just finishes off my curb found black imitation leather easy chair. I’ve had it for some years already and I still love it. I can imagine the previous owner had enough of it, but I actually like that worn out look and otherwise it’s completely intact. And it’s really super comfortable!

My receiving buddy was Mary, who actually won my last giveaway contest! So I wasn’t afraid to make her something with reused yarn from a trashed sweater.
I changed it into a warm but light weight crocheted shawl which this girl from north east Michigan will surely appreciate. This is the back.
And wrapped as a scarf.

Members of the board can see all the gift's pictures here and here. Or sign up now if you got curious or if you are looking for lots of loyal readers for your craft blog!


GsCraftsNthings said...

Love the shawl! Glad you liked the pillow, figured you would get a kick out of it! Happy holidays!

Dorothy said...

Wow, that is amazing and I thought the pillow, shawl and chair were all worth saving..great idea

Dorothy from grammology

Ann Martin Photography BLOG said...

like you recycled faux leather chair too. It's fascinating to see the items you design from reclaimed things. Love the shawl you made from an old sweater.

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