Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just A Bin

I picked up this little plastic bin last summer. Even though my house is so tiny it takes five steps to reach the kitchen bin, I still could use one for my desk. It's just a cheap thing you get for a couple of euro's in every household shop, so what's so special about it to dedicate a post on it?

First it's still another undamaged throw out that I rescued and didn't have to buy, no matter how ordinary or cheap. Second it was brand new and so shiny and clean I think it had never even been used. But third is that when I put it in its place I noticed how the colours match with my dictionaries! Two helpers that are, being a translator and a native Dutch speaker writing in English, ever present on my desktop. And that just made me very happy for a moment. It's not much, but I thought it was worth sharing.

Note that the vase is also a trash pick but the rose, for those concerned about global warming, is real and freshly picked from a public garden on January 6.....


Jenn Thorson said...

Hey, the little things absolutely do count. You find such a variety of things, you are a trashcollector extraordinaire.

Peace said...

One man's junk, another man's treasure...

I always save money by keeping junks... we cannot afford to waste, especially in Singapore, everything is so expensive, and now worse...with price hike *shake head*

Le-Chat said...

Hi Peace,
Thanks for sharing your blog. Through the internet I heard of a lot of American families exchanging their own unneeded stuff as gifts for Christmas. That's a great way to save money and help the environment.

Anonymous said...

It does help the environment, as well as our own wallets, to consume less. A $3-4 dollar investment in a bottle of super glue has helped me fix some of my old possessions versus throwing them out and buying new ones.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog so much that I wish you had more postings! :)

Le-Chat said...

Loretta, you could not have given a better compliment. Thank you! I post as often as I can but once every two weeks is my best average. Keep checking though!

Electronic Or Electrical Waste

Two bags full of old electrical appliances or e-waste, by experience I guess up to 15 kilo's, ready to go to recycle shop . Will make me...