Friday, January 22, 2010

Freeform Seventies Crochet

If you crochet, have you ever tried this style? Or, if you were a kid or teenager in the Seventies perhaps the teacher forced it on you in craft class…

I don’t often find craft books in the trash so my first reaction was ‘how cool’ when the BF spotted it on a heap and handed it to me one night. But it was not for me. Even though I don’t often use patterns I’m a neat stitch counter.

As even the basic instructions taught me nothing new I decided to see if I could list it in my online bookshop. To my surprise it's EAN/ISBN was recognized by the hosting site and the book was ordered a couple of months later. Though I can’t imagine anybody would want to have it, the buyer must have been specifically looking for it. Hope she’s happy. It turned out to be one good rescue after all.
Now I only regret I didn’t scan more pages. This scarf here was really one of the ‘prettier’ designs!


Anonymous said...

I've seen this one at our local library. I'm with you on the being a neat stitch counter. I guess it's a control thing, ;)

North County Film Club said...

This looks interesting. I don't crochet so I probably couldn't have used it but it makes me nostalgic for the 70's. My mother crocheted and I would have her make me "groovy" things like this.

Le-Chat said...

Hey Barbara, nice to see you. I remember the free form macrame thing we had to do in highschool. Hated it. I preferred symmetrical projects like belts and bracelets. My mom crocheted me groovy but 'neat' poncho's early seventies.

GsCraftsNthings said...

A book is always a good save! Glad someone enjoyed it. Not really my taste though, but they are fun to look at.

Le-Chat said...

So true, Rachel. It's a great feeling rescuing books. Sometimes they even sell within a day!

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