Sunday, March 13, 2016

Busy Days

A third local site I use is a sort of very simplified Etsy, without any restrictions on products. It doesn’t do much for me, but it’s cost free and above all maintenance free. Once listed I can leave the items forever without having to look at them. So I put my unsold handmades on it and forget about them. About twice a year someone finds me. It sounds poor but it’s no work at all. Pictures taken already and I never have to discount anything because the few buyers I get are specifically looking for what I have. Somehow the listings also show up better in Google search results than the auction site, especially in the picture overviews.

So I was pretty pleased Thursday it brought me a buyer for one of my crochet heart key chains. They never did anything on Etsy, I sold a few on handmade markets, but that was that. Curb found yarn, some old beads, ring and clip from free handout cart coins.

If you’re in the Netherlands or Belgium and got curious, the place is called Marktplaza.

Also on Thursday I sold another pair of shoes. These are Golddiggas, found a month ago around the corner.

In the evening this simple shelf was picked up. Found equally in February, on my favourite stretch of curb.

Shelves are good! I found this rack in December and sold it within two days. To the lady who bought the poster frame.

She also took a trash can. IKEA Knodd.

Friday, after over five months I had a buyer for this set of wineglasses. Pretty cool! I’ve had wineglasses on markets and nobody ever looked, so I had low hopes for this set. Brought home by the Man.

If I include the books, in two days I made a 'stunning' EUR 27,65, which puts me right on schedule after a fairly slow start of the month.

1 comment:

Jessie Pullman said...

I love finding treasures that I can use around the house. One of my favorite things to do in the spring is garage sale. I get a lot of great stuff.

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