Thursday, May 07, 2009

Rescued Bulbs Update

It's time to show what has become of my rescued bulbs.
The fun is, as it turns out they were not all that deep red tulip Oscar, but a mix of those and a bright yellow variety.

I hope I can divide the colours when I dig them up so next year I can make a nicer arrangement, but I kind of like this random mix too.

Take a closer look at the yellow flower; see that lovely fine red edge? Now of course it would be nice if anyone could give me the official name...


Unknown said...

Isn't it nice to have such beautiful color along your walk? I like the random coloring, too.

Le-Chat said...

Hey Sher, nice to see you!

Mick said...

Thanks to your blog i can now prosper on the combination of sun & flowers.
Working in Aalsmeer i enjoy a lot of natural oxygene produced by the plants passing in high density. On the way back home I enjoy the sun with my recumbentbike but the two of them...

Sherry said...

Beautiful! The digging up and storing over the winter is what keeps me from spluring on tulips. I like plant it...and forget it. ;o)

RecycleCindy said...

The flowers are lovely and the colors are so beautiful. Enjoy the beauty they bring to all.

Mick said...

Can't i find a 'second hand Rose' around here?

Le-Chat said...

Yep Mick, right here:

Mick said...

Actualy i was thinking of something more stimulating. Have you heard of the New Rose?

Doris Sturm said...

Yes, I see that red edge especially well when I double click on the photo because that enlarges it. I'm so glad you rescued those tulips, look how much life you preserved! Isn't it wonderful!

I don't think I would have to dig up the tulips here where I live in Georgia. All the bulb flowers just grow like perannuals and keep coming back every spring. Unfortunatley, I don't have a garden here at my apartment complex. Also, they spray a lot of insecticides and pesticides here and I'd hate to subject the bees to all that mess. I do have some potted plants outside, but as far as digging in the dirt, it's not an option for me here. All the Spring flowers and blossoms have gone a long time ago and it's been in the 90's ... the Magnolias are blooming and I'll have to go take some photos soon.

Cats-Rockin-Crochet said...

Oh so pretty!

Water Damage Los Angeles, CA said...

The flowers in your pictures are so beautiful!

<3 Linds

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