Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Guest Cats

Recurring readers may remember this old doll’s pram that served as a sleeping basket for Pepe. He lost interest in it after a while, then my poor late Oskar had it but finally it ended up outside by my yard door under the balcony. Just in case somebody had missed curfew and needed a warm place until the morning, but I don’t think it was ever necessary.

Now having my friend over with three cats locked up in the tiny spare room (to keep my cat happy) I was glad I kept it and dug it up hoping one of them would like it. And… success! Here are miss Polly and her mommy Fancy in front.

Fancy taking her chance…

and Polly all snuggled up. It’s a favourite!

Only the boy Funny Face prefers to crawl under the blanket. By the way all these including air bed come from the trash. Cover sheet handed down from another friend. All in all not a footprint made to provide my friend and her darlings with comfort.

I know any cardboard box will do for cats, but what else do you do to create pet beds without buying acrylic plush baskets from the pet shop?


tess said...

cute photos of the kitties, nice that you'll have a room to furnish with finds again

A little Minx said...

Oh how cute =) I got 2 males cats. =) Have a good day.

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