Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I Believe In Wicker Now

Though I thought I was really lucky I sold the large old laundry basket, it inspired me to try more.

I still had this smaller one in a corner, but always thought it wasn’t intact enough to list. At second look there was nothing wrong with it. 

A few pieces had snapped, but that happens to wicker and it was far from falling apart.

Someone showed interest after almost two months. I was so pleased I accepted a discount and shipping it. Even though that was a hassle because I had no box large enough. I had to wrap it in a thick layer of bubble plastic and then just packed it in a trash bag.

Lucky I had two enormous rolls of bubble wrap, that the Man and the neighbour had parked in my yard earlier in 2015. The fun is I had spotted the huge bag across the street before I left for work, but declined on it lacking storage space. I hadn’t started listing big time yet. Now I was glad I had the stuff.

It also came in handy when I had to ship the four paintings. I’ve now found place for the shrinking roll in my indoor storage and the untouched one is in the original plastic bag in my shed.

And then there was a high laundry basket in front of the door. Though incomplete because the lining is out, it was picked up quickly. And, LOL, only when taking it to the hallway I found the IKEA sticker underneath.

And from the same spot I hauled in this kind of flimsier little one. It took longer but well, my first sale of 2016, a lady in her early seventies came and told me after thirty years her old potato basket had worn out. Obviously she didn’t want to waste money on a brand new one.

Over a week ago on Saturday afternoon I was done with everything I had to do and felt like taking a little tour. Only one block down I spotted wicker behind one of the ‘houses’ on the underground bins that hold the opening hatch. I almost passed by thinking it might not be worth it but I stopped in my tracks and went back. To find…

a large dog bed in good condition. I had a very handsome bid on it within days. I was almost afraid they’d change their mind but the bed was picked up soon. To explain why he was a bit late the man told me about his wife’s recent surgery, which shocked me a bit but he assured me she was going to be okay. But possibly the getting a dog had something to do with it.

Last, yesterday when I was listing and thinking about this post I thought I’d have to report this basket as remaining unsold. But while I was at the computer the email came in, she lived nearby and came for it in an hour.

I’m totally sold out on wicker now! People love it. It’s pretty, it’s natural, it’s neutral and fits in any interior. The amounts I get vary from very little to fairly substantial. On this lot of six my total was EUR 46,50. Maybe not spectacular to some readers here, but I’m looking forward to restock and I don't think I will ship again. There are enough potential buyers nearby.

1 comment:

tess said...

Baskets are infinitely useful, I go back to reusing them for different purposes, doll bed to dedicated black pants holder, to sock "drawer." Similar to milk crates I suppose.

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