Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Vintage Telephone

 Who remembers this device?

Indeed, a phone. The exact model my parents got in 1967 or 1968, model SSB 51553. I remember being at home alone with my mother pre-school age when the technician came to install it. Found in front of my door 2018. Sold quickly on line €10.

But the fun is years before, 2010/2012? I don't remember... Found one also in the street even older, the 1950's or older model my grandmother had and she always had a phone when we didn't have one yet. Unfortunately no photo's of that one but I do remember selling it at a market, probably €5. Must look up paper admin maybe I can find something about.

Edit 12/06: I looked that up today and found sold September 2012. Similar to the one on the photo but it had a rigid cord, not the curly one. I found listings for vintage bakelite phones on Etsy for unbelievable amounts. Also locally I found one of my model for much more. Maybe they are getting more scarce now.

Vacuum Cleaners

Having the recycle center in the neighbourhood brings trash picking to a new dimension for me. Where before I looked for saleables, or stuf...