Friday, November 29, 2024

Brandnew Cat Litter Box

Don't look at the dirty floor: it's the Man's apartment upstairs. But the litter box is clean. So clean our Marie wanted to show her gratitude by sleeping almost a whole day in it!

Found in front of the door not long after Man's darling Pepe passed away. Pepe hated the roof so we got rid of that. But my new girls, coming upstairs more often after that spreaded the stones from the open box all over the kitchen floor. Soon I found this practically unused luxury model in front of the door. It even had a sort of grid on the bottom but we don't need it because we use the clump-forming litter. They don't even mind the door and I like the flip open half top. Helps to see quickly if cleaning is needed.

For reference here's Pepe, proudly sitting on the cat stairs from years ago. By now retrashed. The wood had become too rotten. You can see one step is outt already. My darlihgs of the time, Oskar and Cézar, long gone. But this brings back good memories. In the background here on the shed roof, Thomas, now 14 but still around.

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