Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Jip en Janneke Baby Chair

Okay, actually this is only Janneke pictured on the chair. Read more about Jip en Janneke here. If you read Dutch. But maybe google translate can help.

The chair shows wear on the paint and must have maybe gone along with the twin with Jip on it. But I grew up with those books and thought it was so cute and it even has a storage under the seat. So I had the patience to wait for two months for €3.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Decorative Plate Display

May 2017. I don't remember if I photographed this for the teacups or the wooden rack. But obviously the rack is meant to display plates a bit larger than the saucers but I didn't have anything else at the time. Both never sold online or at the markets. Don't even know if I ever listed the cups. But years later I could use the rack at the thrift shop to present plates so I took it there. And surprisingly enough it sold! But then it looks like a non mass produced thing and at given time with the possibility to hold it, touch it, other than from looking at a screen, it seems logic someone fell for it. The cups and saucers are still in my house but will go to the shop soon.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Lined Crocs, IKEA Folding Chairs, IKEA Cupboard Shelf

This fur lining doesn't look so attractive anymore, even after washing. However Crocs are wanted so I gave it a try. Success, sold within two weeks €6.

From the same photo session May 2017, IKEA Nick chairs. They were gone three days later €5.

Someone bought the IKEA Pax/Komplement system and had one shelf too many, or didn't use it because of the slight damage. Someone else had the system and wanted an extra shelf. And didn't mind the damage. Used good side turned up it's invisible. It must have been some transport issue as the thing was still sealed in plastic.

Somehow I feel I was just the one connecting these two people or families. My fee €2,50. Found and sold July 2017.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sheaf Of Wheat Shaped Bamboo Side Table

My friend Judy found this funny side table in her part of town. Can't say I like it but different it is. Origin or age totally unclear. 

She must have brougt it to me early 2017 or even before. As I had in my place for a long time before I even photographed it July 2017. August 2018 I started my new job, taking much energy. I managed to go on selling for a while, but in 2019 stopped new listings. But apparently went on relisting unsold, but stopped keeping admin for what finally went after all. Just found out that thanks to old emails that I kept in my Yahoo account that I use only for this, I found in the end I sold it July 2019 €10! 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Dutch Made Seventies Floor Lamp Woja

I did not give this a lot of chance. See the wear, and without plug. But surely Seventies and of unique made from a small workplace, Uithoorn, near Amsterdam.

To my surprise I was able to let it go quickly at a bid of €10.

Mint Condition Tajine

Photographed the same day in May 2017 as the dumbells and folding chairs. Not sure anymore but I think found it in the same dumpster or nearby. 

Perhaps it was bought by locals as a try-out and not a success or not to their liking. It's literally shiny and new. I sold it within two weeks to people who sure now how to use the pan, and had a great deal at €8.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Leather Hocker, Footstool Or Pouffe

These are popular multifunctional additions to people's furniture these days, to sit on, rest your feet on on or even place a large hocker tray on. At least if you have the space.

I've got two. Both brought to me by my dog walking neighbour Freek.

This orange one is rectangular and has some wear on the legs, not affecting its functionality in any way. Wear on the leather just adds to its charm in my opinion. However it never sold, trying for over a year. Not having a brand on it also didn't help.

Second one is a Montis square model. Red, intact apart from a sort of cut out circle on the lacquer of the leather the size of a drinking glass. Though expensive, I deem it around €500, never even tried selling it yet. Thefore no photo's available.

Both landed in my bedroom, sort of extending my one person bed beside the bottom. To throw clothing to rewear next morning on instead of on the floor. To be washed stays sometimes as well and other things too, but still better than laying around on the floor.

Cheap IKEA Floor Lamp

Here's an example of a product that honestly I think should have never been produced. IKEA. I don't say all they sell is crap. If you look around on my blog you can see I found adn sold a lot of nice IKEA stuff. But for me this is an example of fooling people.

First sight said: cute! That's why I took it in. But though the glass base looks stable, the pole is very thin and light weight, its attachment to the base was feeble and therefore likely to tilt. The shade closing with poppers, was fragile and after waiting for so long in my place for a buyer, somehow it damaged and I finally retrashed the whole thing. It's sad, but my idea is that someone who can't afford a better quality new floor lamp can better look second hand in the first place, or just temporaly do without.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Another IKEA Alang Lampshade

In 2016 I found the complete floor lamp with shade. I see the post is from March and I said buyer cancelled for the moment. Admin says sold €15 June 2016. I guess another buyer came later.

From 2017 same shade but alone and a tiny stain, other colour. Found July 2017, sold October €2. Recently I saw a couple of the grey shades donated to the thrift shop. At IKEA website I read the design was launced 2001. Currently I only see Alang ceiling lamps no more floor lamps.

IKEA Cooking Pot

Perfectly alright IKEA pan. Why trash it? Found August 2017. Sold I don't remember when or how. Somehow forgot to administrate. Vaguely rember selling a cooking pot at the door to a lady telling me she wrecked hers burning something in it. Must be this one. Because I don't have it anymore and I sure didn't give it away. I would have kept it for myself and given up something of poorer quality. But at the time I'm sure I decided for cash in my pocket instead.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Some Small Stuff To Finish Off 2018 Curb Finds

Cute little flower pot. Folkloric art, maybe Eastern Europe. Brought home from a holiday perhaps. We get plenty of stuff like it in the thrift shop. Sells okay there. I don't remember what happened to this one. Not in sales administration.

Carrier basket sold by Lidl. I know because they have that brand. Bad quality, very cheap. Glue of lining was getting loose. Landed unused in my street. Also never sold. Maybe ended up in giveaway shop.

Ikea baby chair. This one was well used, but still stable enough for another life. Found May 2017, but finally sold January 2018 €2,50.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cute Wine Rack

Since a number of years wine degustation seemes to become more popular in the Netherlands. What I see from it is that in my neighbourhood alone two specialized wine shops established. One replacing a tobacconist, not dearly missed I think, the other one replacing the pet shop that had to go because the rent went up. And then the regular liquor store, not far from there, that likely sold as fine fine wines as well recently had to close. Currently for sale. I think that is really sad. Tough I buy beers and regular cat food from supermarket and specialty cat food online, I know those places are missed by others.

At the trhift shop wine glasses, at least sets of two or more sell big time. As opposed to other liquor glasses. Beer glasses with logo do well to by the way. What surprises me is that wine racks just don't go. So perhaps it's that the love for tasting is growing, but not yet collecting.

Lucky me I sold this one for myself after all. Photographed July 2017, out of my place May 2018 €5. But I have to say though not my taste, it's kind of cute.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Panasonic VHS Camera

This vintage piece that at the that time nobody used anymore was picked up in the trash by my dog walking friend and neighbour Freek. I photographed it soon after one day in February 2017 sold it the next day as a prop €10. It was for the carnival procession in the south of The Netherlands of that year.

With the revival of vinyl and cassette tapes I wonder if video comes along with that.

Purple Knitted Pouffe With Cat Appreciation Photo

Found and sold 2017. I thought these were kind of out of fashion by now, but Googling I still find them for sale up to €80 or more. Sold mine €6, because of some discolouring at the bottom. Not visible unless turned upside down.

I had to ship it, the customer was not unhappy about the quality or so, but for whatever reason emailed me that at least for the moment the pouffe ended up in her yard. And her cat loved it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Kruidvat Stick Horse

After sharing the home made sock horse on a stick I don't know how long I kept it, but it was unsellable, starting to fall apart and of no use for me anymore. So some day I guess it went back to trash ot maybe giveaway shop. Not sure anymore.

I took this factory made toy home maybe 2018 or before to sell on the markets, but in 2019 my friend had a hernia, then covid came and we never went back to doing them again.

I know it was from the Kruidvat drugstore chain because once during a stocktake there I saw one. But the ad tells me it was a special one time offer from late 2013! Can't believe how long some shops keep old stock sometimes. And the battery was even down. Mine was still working. Making a gallopping and neighing sound when you squeeze the ear.

Took it to the thrift shop last week and saw a young dad walking out with it today. I was sitting outside for a break and asked was he aware of the sound. Reply: yes, even a bit worried about that. Because it could be annoying if the kid keeps on repeating. But even with the electronic extra I think this is a nice old-fashioned toy.

Profit for our good causes €2.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Tent Base Camp Faro 3

Years ago I dragged a tent in a bag very close to this one inside from across the street. But it came without the product specification in the side pocket. Just a print on the bag that said 'Base Camp Faro 3'. I had no clue what exactly was inside. Opening it up I guessed it was a dome model, but without any knowledge about how they are set up I could not decide if everything was complete. And not enough space in my yard to try it out, I dumped it in a closet for later to see. And forgot.

Yesterday I found a message on a Facebook group from a neighbour asking for a tent for someone in need. Suddenly I remembered and offered the lady the tent for free, but before letting her to come pick it up did some further research. I found at least an inside and outside cover and a set of connected tent poles. But it looked like just forming the one bow. Faro 3 gave no results (it must have been really old) except three person tents from other brands. They all have two or more bows of poles.

Then looking for specifically two person tents I found this model, that seems to be constructed on just the one bow. So I let the lady come over and hope I'm saving someone from the fire.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Vintage Iron Side Table Reconstructed

I think I doubted about taking this in. Because the top is most likely not original, looked like a Seventies makeover and besides damaged. And there is this weird emblem shaped sort of empty space in the middle. I loved the iron base though and thought someone might want to give it a third chance. So I gave it a try and it left my house in the end though is was after a complete year, February 2018 €5.

Perspex Flyer Dispaly

It's funny, I photographed the display April 2017 with thrift shop flyers of the time from before we even had a Facebook page and now outdated, to sell for myself but it never went. 

Recently I donated it to the shop, where it now serves at check out counter to display more up-to-date material.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Delft Blue Mini Chandeleer

Delft Blue porcelain is popular around the world, sold well in tourist shops in Holland so I guess we produce a lot of it. Still every piece that is genuine and really hand painted is of some real value. And where tourists just buy a souvenir, some Dutch people are true collectors.

So this mini object, measuring maybe eight centimeters, found a new home after someone left it in a bag with other stuff (I guess) in front of my door. Found April 2017, sold September €5.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Vintage Seychelles Ladies Boots

Brought to me by my dog walking neighbour April 2017. Took a bit of time but sold September €5. A bit low if I look at their prices now. But maybe I was just glad to be rid of them. Seychelles was founded in 1984, and this pair just looks like coming from then. Not my taste, not even then when I was in my twenties.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Cheap Folding Chairs, INQ Dumbells

Plastic chairs like these sell under €10 new each and are not made to last. The seats crack easily and obviously I wish they weren't produced at all, but at least this set was in great shape and found a new owner within days. Possibly bought for short time use, but I can't help for that. At least someone saved almost €15.

As I remember well I found the dumbells in a large iron container with construction waste where an apartment was renovated down the street. Washed the dust off and they were good as new. 2 kilograms comparables are currently sold close to €20. I got close to €7.

Vintage Enamel Jug

Some people collect vintage enamel kitchen products, but then preferably with the mark of a factory, like  Brabantia . This jug was of unspe...